Monday, September 28, 2020

Review: Suicide Squad, Volume 2: The Nightshade Odyssey

Suicide Squad, Volume 2: The Nightshade Odyssey Suicide Squad, Volume 2: The Nightshade Odyssey by John Ostrander
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I'm having a lot of fun with this Ostrander run. It's a great example of that late '80s time where they were mixing more serious political topics with full on superhero silliness at times so Ronald Reagan is a supporting character as the Suicide Squad gets missions like trying to kill a South American drug cartel leader, but then there's another story that involves going to another dimension and battling weird demonic creatures.

Captain Boomerang continues to be both the most ridiculous and annoying character. I'm pretty sure that Amanda Waller just keeps sending him out on every mission hoping that he'll be killed someday. Fingers crossed.

There's also a couple of appearances by Batman, and the way he's portrayed here reminded me that DC was in the middle of that phase where he had to be an absolute asshole to everybody. Because it's gritty and mature!

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