My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Max Winter was a cowboy outlaw in his younger days. As an old man living in New York during the Great Depression he draws on his experiences as a writer of pulp westerns. With money getting tighter and his mortality looming, Max decides to return to to stealing in order to try and leave his wife something before he dies. Next thing you know, Max is part of a scheme to steal from the American Nazi movement.
Honestly, you had me at old outlaw turns pulp writer, but if you throw in a scheme to rip-off Nazis and now we're talking about a Shut-Up-And-Take-My-Money scenario...
Brubaker and Phillips score yet again with his short, but powerful tale. The run these guys have been on is nothing short of astounding, and this one has a bit of Unforgiven flavor with the old man trying to live with his violent past thing. First rate stuff all around that combines a cool story with an intriguing character done up with artwork that sets the tone of it all perfectly.
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