My rating: 4 of 5 stars
What's up, danger?
I’ve been meaning to read this title for years, but it took the utterly amazing Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse movie to finally motivate me to get to it. And I’ve really been missing out.
The idea of a new Spider-Man could have been yet another cheap gimmick yet the old Marvel Ultimate universe allowed them to take some chances like killing off Peter Parker for realsies, and then introducing MIles Morales as the new kid under the mask. It turns out that actual consequences make for good drama in stories. Who knew?
Bendis did a great job of crafting a new character as well as coming up with a plot that mirrors the the classic Spider-Man origin story yet still has a fresh and original feel to it. Miles has many of the same qualities that Peter has, but he’s not just a clone of him. (Which is good because Spidey doesn’t have a great history with clones.)
I was also surprised to discover that the new Marvel movie version of Peter Parker pretty much lifted the idea of Miles’ best friend who knows his secret. Only steal from the best, even when stealing from yourself.
It’s a great take on Spider-Man, and I can’t wait to read more about Miles and his adventures.
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